CIBCC In a Nutshell
Chulalongkorn International Business Case Competition (CIBCC)
is a prestigious event for undergraduate students from top universities worldwide, organized by the Chulalongkorn Business School and Chulalongkorn Case Club. Here, these exceptional students will present their business recommendations to Thai businesses and the event will conclude with presentations from the winners of the competition.
Participants will be warmly welcomed to the enchanting cities of Thailand, where they will delve into the fascinating realm of Thai business. This event promises a once-in-a-lifetime experience in Thailand, a journey into the heart of Southeast Asia's dynamic business landscape.
CIBCC Buddy Program
The CIBCC Buddy Program is a vital component of the organizing committee for the prestigious business case competition. Designed to foster a supportive and enriching environment for participants, CIBCC Buddies play a crucial role in guiding and assisting teams throughout their journey in the competition. These dedicated individuals serve as collaborators, facilitators, and reliable resources for participants, ensuring that they have a seamless and rewarding experience.
Becoming a CIBCC Buddy provides exclusive access to events and insights into the business community
Serving as a Buddy enhances resumes, showcasing organizational and teamwork prowess
Guiding teams through the competition cultivates resilience and adaptability, ensuring a transformative experience that goes beyond a traditional role, offering a unique blend of skill development, networking, and personal growth.
Thus, by joining CIBCC Buddy, students not only contribute to the success of organizing this business case competition but also position themselves for personal and professional growth, gaining a unique set of skills and experiences that will set them apart in their future careers.